A Silence Home.

With television running between my husband and son, clickety-clack of dishes, or the hustling bustling of activities and anything else, there are times where I just need that moment of peace. Just that quietness to do things around the house with no distractions, no one there, and just appreciating the stillness of my household while I go about doing my thing; whether it’s reading my Bible, cleaning up the house, or even to sit there and just collect myself together before I lose it.

We saw children playing at the park the other day, even though there are still restrictions here in Guam. We thought to take Oli for a bit and so, Rufo took Oli there for 30 minutes..at least I thought it would be 30 minutes. However, Rufo turned them around and came back after 15 minutes since the park was full of other kids.

I just want to say those 15 minutes, that little time truly made a difference and put me back into perspective and refreshed my mind and soul. Even my sister, Kim, called me although I told her I have to get off the phone because I am utilizing this time I have by myself. I think she understood, but I think in due time when she becomes a mother, she will understand even more.

Being a mom, wife, family member, friend and everything else you are and become, sometimes we get so busy that we forget to think about ourselves. I’d like to think I am a giving person, and worrier. Always trying to think of the next to-do thing on my list. Sometimes my brain feels overloaded, and then just becomes mentally tired.

That’s why ME time is an important time no matter what time of the day it is, even if its just 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 40 minutes, or 1 hour! Sometimes, I will schedule my ME time too like my Bible studies with friends, and close the door. NO DISTURBING, Mommy! Lol.

Let’s not forget about ourselves in the process of discovering our journey through motherhood and life! We have to think positive, and still young at heart, but with kids. He he.

“Look closely then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” -Ephesians 5: 15-17



God wants us to be:

  1. God wants us to PLEASE & GLORIFY HIM with our life.
  2. God wants us to get to KNOW HIM more deeply.
  3. God wants us to be a GODLY PERSON.
  4. God wants us to PROCLAIM HIS EXCELLENCIES by our life & words.

How to get there:

  1. Discipline ourselves for the purpose of Godliness.
  2. Godly discipline includes the disciplined intake & application of God’s Word.
  3. We must learn to think biblically all about life.

We must take advantage of the opportunities that God gives us & we can do that in numerous ways: reading our Bibles each year, praying, reading Christian books, discipleship, sharing our faith and testimony with others and material blessings, helping others, and think victory over sin.

Leave me a message.